I know that my spouse's income will change. Can I declare it in advance?
No. The effective date cannot be a future date. You will therefore have to wait for the change to occur before declaring it within 30 calendar days.
No. The effective date cannot be a future date. You will therefore have to wait for the change to occur before declaring it within 30 calendar days.
Yes. CHIS serves as supplementary insurance for those who are members of another adequate primary health insurance scheme. (e.g. Swiss LAMal insurance, French social security, etc.).
A primary health insurance Scheme is any Health Insurance provided by the national system of a Member State of the Organisation (e.g. Swiss LAMal insurance, French social security, etc.). It can also be the health insurance provided by an international organisation based in Switzerland. These primary health insurances are considered adequate if it cover the spouse in his or her place of residence.
If you have any doubts, please contact the SHIPID service: chis.shipid@cern.ch.
You need a prior approval by the Third-Party Administrator for: