Avoid winter sports accidents!

January 2020

Snow starts falling on the mountains, holidays are approaching and the equipment for cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, Nordic walking, downhill skiing or hiking is ready to enjoy mountain activities.

However, when practiced at a high level or for pleasure, winter sports are sometimes synonymous with accidents that can lead to more or less serious injuries.

To keep the pleasure in your winter outings and activities, follow these key safety tips: click on this link to learn more about the right actions to take!

Does CHIS cover acupuncture?

Acupuncture is part of the alternative therapies recognised by the CHIS as well as Chinese medicine, chiropractic medicine, osteopathy and etiopathy; provided that it is dispensed by healthcare provider recognised for this specific treatment.

In order to be recognised by the CHIS, the healthcare provider used by the Members must be recognised, qualified and licensed to practice medicine and/or to provide the healthcare or medical treatment concerned by the competent national authorities of the country where they operate. 

What should I do if I disagree with how the CHIS Rules have been applied to my case?

Initially, ask for an explanation from UNIQA or from the CERN Administration, depending on who made the challenged decision.
If you are not satisfied by the explanation, try to reach an amicable settlement of the dispute in accordance with the provisions of Chapter XIV section 2 of the CHIS Rules.
Only if the procedure of amicable settlement has failed, can an appeal procedure be opened.

The procedure for settlement of dispute is detailed in Chapter XIV of the CHIS Rules.

Reimbursement Bonus

Did you know that if you go to France or in one the CERN Member States (all, except Denmark, Norway and Switzerland) to see a doctor, buy medication, have tests or scans, you will be reimbursed 85% of the costs instead of 80% or 95% instead of 90%? What’s more, the treatments themselves are less expensive! So, if you want to pay less and be reimbursed more, you can ! Just go where the 5% bonus applies!